Wednesday, January 17, 2007

liveonearth webcams - Europe #2

London buses... possibly on Haymarket, I'm not sure.

Looking across at Westminster, presumably from the Piccadilly Circus camera.

Piccadilly Circus at 4am. About as quiet as it gets.

Piccadilly Circus, London, but day! Lots of tourists sitting around the statue and one of the open top double decker buses stopped at the lights. Looks like I was watching al-Arabiya TV at the time.

Mallorca looks a bit cloudy.

Mallorca, Spain. A similar view across the harbour.

Mallorca harbour on a sunny evening.

Paris, France. A Palace perhaps?

Seville, Spain.

St.Malo in France, possibly after rain because the glass in front of the camera looks a bit occluded.

Stuttgart, Germany, shortly before the World Cup 2006.

Stuttgart on the day of a World Cup match!

Venice, Italy. The Bridge of Sighs I guess :-)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The Venice picture is the Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal. Just thought I'd mention it.